Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Morning class!  

Since we don't have our regular routine, let's make a new one!  I have created a zoom meeting for us.  It is scheduled for 11:00 this morning.  Here's how you join:  Go to and you will see a screen that requests a code to join a meeting.  Use the code: 473-413-308 and then hit join meeting.  I can't wait to see you guys!!  Oh, Noah.  You are the quote of the week.  Can you find something good for this week that I can post and share with everyone?  Thank you!!

OK!   On to today's assignments and activities!  I will still post everything here, but I will also put a copy of everything in the class notebook.  I don't know about you, but I really like the class notebook!  I can see who added something very easily and you guys are all in the same place.  I am also able to distribute handout to you.  When you go to add an assignment or notes in to a subject in your notebook, please make a new page with the date of the assignment. 

Remember, I am still getting the hang of working from home too!  The one thing that I have learned from this is to have a clear schedule and stick to it, just as if I were in the classroom.   

Reading (30 min)

Yesterday's readings on the big metaphors was designed to get you thinking!  Today you have some big questions to answer on each of those metaphors.  I am not sure how long this will take you, but I want you to put your thought into each of the answers and as always use evidence from the story to support your answer.  You do not need to use the page #, but use a quote from the book as evidence to back up what you are saying.  
In order for you to put the full effort into this assignment, I would like for you to do only two (The River & The Rose) of the big metaphors today and you can do the rest tomorrow.  
In short, I do not expect you to finish the Reading assignment today.  You have both today and tomorrow to work on it.  

Writing (20 min)

Most of you finished your two voice poem and submitted it to me.  If you have not, that needs to be done today because you are going to record your two voice poem on flip grid for me.  I will edit this post to include the link for my flip grid at about 9:15.  I'm super excited to see you all reading your poems!  You get to do both parts and be creative about it!  If you have a brother or sister that is willing to help, you can use them too.  :)
***Edit***  The flip code for my class is rockstar

Math (30 min)

There is a new playlist in Legends of Learning that will be active until Friday.  It is on organizing quads into a hierarchy.  That means that all 4 sided figures are quadrilaterals.  All 4 sided figures that have at least 1 pair of parallel lines are trapezoids.  All 4 sided figures that have 2 pair of parallel lines are parallelograms.  So in the hierarchy, quadrilaterals is on top, because everything falls underneath that umbrella.  Next comes trapezoids, and under that is parallelograms.  Below is a diagram of a hierarchy that you can use.  
Kahn Academy has a new set of videos and activities on this topic for you to explore and do.  
***NOTE***  You may do any of the practice questions over until you get the score that you want!  If you do not like your score, rewatch the videos and try the practice again.  Aim for mastery!

Science (20 min)

The Legends of Learning Playlist is still the same, so if you have already done it, you do not need to do it everyday, unless you want to!  Today's assignment is in the online text book. I have the pages for you, if you are unable to access the text.  We are in Unit 4, Lesson 2.  You are to do the Activity on how water changes and answer the questions in the science section on your notebook. 

Morning Work and Wordly Wise (20 min)

Stay current with your morning work!  You will be able to check your work on Friday. 
Wordly Wise #14 A only!

See you all at 11:00!!  


  1. So when I login to Zoom it Says you need a meeting password.

  2. 473-413-308

    That should let you into the meeting at 11.

  3. I took off the password requirement. All you need is the code.


  5. this is Charlotte. how do we access the science pages?

  6. Hi Mrs.Rodabaugh its Christina can I still use my notebook if its easier to access?

  7. when are the science pages due

  8. Mrs.Rodabaugh do we havae to do quotes for eachone of the answers or can we only do some

    1. Lizzy, we always support our answer with text evidence. :)

  9. The digital textbooks won't load for Science. Are the pages you posted here complete or are there more that I might be missing?

    1. I was afraid that some of you guys wouldn't be able to access the online text book. What I posted here and in the class notebook (same pages) are exactly what you need to do. I will always try to have what you need on the blog.
      I hope that helps!
