Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March, 30, 2020

Good Morning!  

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  The weather was perfect, except for the pollen, which covered everything!  Did you get a chance to play outside?  I mowed the lawn yesterday and  sat by the pool reading for a bit.  I'm reading a new book.  Look for me to post a summary on Flipgrid later today of the book I'm reading.  

I have been receiving a bunch of communications from Mrs. Bernier and the specials teachers with stuff for me to post on my bolg.  I will do that in a second post today, so please look at that one as well.  It will have activities for the whole week.  

For this week, I am adding IXL to our Reading and Writing.  Please let me know what you think after doing a few of the activities.  I'd like your input as we move forward with this. 

See below for our Zoom meeting this week.  This week I put a password in place for added security.  The meeting ID and password will be the same all week.  

Topic: Morning Meeting
Time: 11:00 AM 
        Mar 30, 2020 11:00 AM
        Mar 31, 2020 11:00 AM
        Apr 1, 2020 11:00 AM
        Apr 2, 2020 11:00 AM
        Apr 3, 2020 11:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 698 020 685
Password: 694988

AM Work and Wordly Wise #15: (20 min)

Below, you will see the answers for last week's morning work.  Please check last week's work.  
Today's Wordly Wise #15 assignment is C only.  I will wait until Friday to give the quiz on WW #15. 

 Reading: (30 min)

 Today we are going to try a few reading standards on IXL.  On the dash board, next to where it says Math, look for Language Arts.  That is where you will find the Reading and Writing skills you will be doing.  Today, you will do, in Language Arts, 5.B.1 (theme), 5.M. 1, 2 (analyzing literature), and 5. DD. 1 (shades of meaning).  
You will be back in IXL for Math later, so you may want to keep that link open for yourself.  

Writing: (20 min)

By now, you should have a good idea of what your theme, or big idea, is for your memoir.  Today, you are going to take some time to write a few small moment stories that bring your theme to life.  I have a few slides to show you and talk to you abut in today's meeting, but you may look in the class notebook, to see a few anchor charts, if you want to get started early.  

Math: (30 min)

This week we will be moving on to metric units of measurement.  I will be continuing to have mini lessons during our morning meeting most days this week.  In addition, I have a few who want some more focused help, so I will have a math small group today as well.  
Your assignments are in IXL: 5.Z.12 and 13 (metric units of length).
In Khan Academy, you will be learning about converting metric distances and practicing some problems.

Science: (20 min)

We will be exploring some changes together.  Some of these things you may be able to do at home if you ask a parent for help.  The observation sheet will be posted in the science section of the class notebook for today.  We will go through it together and I will demonstrate a few for you.  It should be fun!


  1. Do we have to do the specials

  2. They are extra enrichment activities for you. Some might be fun to try! :)
