Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Good Morning, my friends!  Happy Thursday!

I hope everyone is doing well today.  I have a fun kahoot planned for today.  There will be stuff in it from the latest Social Studies, as well as math and reading too.  Today is a Target day, so if you are in target, please make sure that you do the activities planned for you by your teacher. 

Today's Assignments:

AM Work / Wordly Wise:  (20 min)

There is only the math review for morning work today.  😊  For Wordly Wise #17, you have section D to complete.  If you are not all caught up, please your time wisely to complete this week's WW by tomorrow. 

Reading: (30 min)

Thursday is a choice board day.  You get to read for the full 30 minutes today.  Keep me posted on what you are reading by updating the flip grid when you start a new book.  

Writing:  (20 min)

Respond to your book by completing a new activity on the choice board.  Put the time and effort into creating a quality response that you are proud of.  
When you finish, if there is still time, you may work on IXL, 5.O. 4,5,&6.  This section is on organizing writing.  It may prove useful to you to apply these skills to your memoir writing.  

Math:  (30 min)

Remember we are a day behind in Khan Academy.  You should be finishing up the coordinate planes and ordered pairs, with a focus on word problems.  The Line Plots that I had for today, you can ignore.  When you finish with Khan, please go to IXL and do 5.U.5&6.

Social Studies:  (20 min)

I will post the questions to go along with week 20 in the class notebook. 
There is a powerpoint that Mrs. Bujnoch made that goes along with the Cold War.  I will get that out to you on Monday.  It is geared toward one of the Social Studies graded assignments, meant as a study tool.  

OK!!  I am going to post the work in the class notebook for you.  I will see you at 11:00.    

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Good morning!  How are you this morning?  We have a full day today, so I will get right to our assignments. 

Today's Assignments:

AM Work / Wordly Wise:  (20 min)

Please do the Wednesday activities for the grammar and math morning work.  Wordly Wise #17 C is also your responsibility.  

Reading: (30 min)

Today is a reading comprehension pack that will focus on the skills of point of view and inferences.  Read the story and answer the questions.  Be sure to include text evidence for all of you written answers and write in complete sentences.  
When you complete the comprehension packet, you can go back to IXL and work on the skills I assigned earlier this week, if you have not achieved mastery.  G.1 &2, H.3, R.3,4, &5.  

Writing: (20 min)

I am going to post a few anchor charts for you in the class notebook.  One is an editing checklist another consists of thought prompts to help you write deeper about yourself in your memoir, and the third one is one we created together on how to structure a memoir.  Depending on where you are with your writing, they should come in handy today as you spent your time today working on your memoir.  I am not going to do a mini lesson, as the deadline is approaching and we all are in very different spots with our writing.  You all need to focus on what you need to do to meet the deadline of Friday, May 8 to have your memoir completed.  
****Create a plan of what you want to have done today and post that goal****
****Look at the anchor charts I posted for you****
****Write Write Write****
Spend your time today writing. 

Math: (30 min)

Go back to Khan Academy and do the activities that we were supposed to do yesterday.  We are a day behind because we did the secret code, but that's ok.  For IXL, do U.3&4.  
For fun and an extension, write a friend a message using the grid from yesterday!  

Social Studies: (20 min)

New newspaper today for your reading pleasure!  We are reading week 20, The Rise of Communism.  As with Monday, today you will just be reading the paper.  I will have the WS for you to do tomorrow.  We will play another Kahoot tomorrow, so keep that in mind while reading today!

OK, I am going to post all of the work in the class notebook that I promised.  I will see you guys at 11:00!! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Happy Tuesday, my friends!

I hope you are doing well and happy.  Today is supposed to be a beautiful day!  I have a message for your parents, from Mrs. Erbskorn regarding the refund from the 5th grade field trip.  Please see the paragraph below.  If there are any questions, don't hesitiate to ask. 

If you paid for the 5th grade trip to Warm Springs, a partial refund will be mailed to you this week.  You will receive a check for $29.25 which is the total amount refunded by the travel company.   We know this is disappointing, and please understand we worked to secure the highest refund we could from the travel company.  Please look for the check addressed "to the parents of ___" in the mail in a Cobb County envelope.

Let's get to today's assignments.  

AM Work / Wordly Wise #17: (20 min)

This week you are working on week 33 in the grammar edits and week 34 in the math review.  
For Wordly Wise, you are on #17 and should be up to section B today.  We will continue to do a section each day and have the last quiz on Wednesday, May 6th.  

Reading: (30 min)

Today is a choice board day.  Please read for your entire 30 minutes today.  Be sure that you have updated your curent book on the flipgrid.  Last week, I provided a link to an online digital library that you can "borrow" books from for free.  All you need is to use your Cobb County log in for the site.  I am including it again today, in case you need a new book.  Remember, searching for a new book does not count as part of your 30 minutes.  😮

Writing: (20 min)

Use the choice board to respond to the section you read today.  Remember my expectations and use complete sentences, text evidence to support your statements, and put your effort into turning in a quality piece of work.  
If you have additional time, after doing the response from the choice board, you may go to the Language Arts section of IXL and do section R. 3, 4, and 5.  

Math: (30 min)

Since we have been wotking on coordinate planes, I want to do my favorite activity related to this skill with you.  In the class notebook under Math for today, you will find a grid with a point for each letter of the alphabet on it. There will also be a set of coordinate points set out for you to decode a message from me.  
In return, you may use the same grid to write a reply back to me, or you may create your own secret code using a coordinate plane and the alphabet and  reply back to me that way.  As an extension, you can send coded messages to your friends using the same thing!  Have fun with this!  😊 

Social Studies: (20 min)

Yesterday, I provided the paper for youto read.  Today, you will go into the class notebook and answer the questions.  You may feel free to look back at the newspaper to help you answer the questions.  
You may want to do that before our meeting because today's Kahoot will be based off of the questions in Social Studies.  

Have fun with your work today and put forth your best efforts!  I will see you at 11:00!!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Good morning and Happy Monday!

I hope  this message finds you all doing well and staying healthy!!  I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you guys!  Friday's chats with each of you were great!  I really enjoyed getting an opportunity to talk to each of you!  This Friday I have a few meetings, so I am not sure if I am able to do it again until Friday, May 8th.

Anyway, on to today's assignments!

Edit:  Morning Meeting:
Topic: Morning Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 593 871 0759
Password: 6Yvqu4

AM Work Answers from last week:

Anyway, on to today's assignments!

AM Work / Wordly Wise #17: (20 min)

I will edit this post later on this morning to include the answers from last week's morning work.  For now, move on the the next week's work with both the grammar edits and the math review.  (See above)
Wordly Wise #17 A is the section you are doing today.  The Quiz will be May 6th.  

Reading: (30 min)

Today is IXL.  You will be doing section G.1 and 2 (point of view) and section H.3 (drawing inferences from a text).  

Writing: (20 min)

Today we will work on revising the narrative portion of your mamoir.  In our class meeting today, we will look at how to go back to our writing and include both the internal and external feelings.  I will have an example for you, and then we will practice on a piece together.  After that, you will have the opportunity to wotk on that with your own writing.  Remember May 8 is our hard and fast deadline for the memoirs to be completed.  

Math: (30 min)

We will continue working with coordinate grids for this week.  In Khan Academy, you have your assignments on coordinate grids to first.  Once completed, please go to IXL and do section U. 1, 2, and the new section under 2.  This is also on coordinate planes.  

Social Studies: (20 min)

Today is Social Studies.  I have the weekly newpspaer in the class notebook for you to read today.  tomorrow, I will have an assignment for you to do with the paper, but for today, you just have to read the paper.  You can access the social studies weekly newspapers online the same way the you get to the science textbooks, if you want to do that.  I know there are options there for read alouds and other links to more information.  I know that some of you may be having trouble accessing the online text, so it will be in the class notebook.  

OK!!!  See you at 11:00!!!
I will also 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Good morning!

Happy Friday!  I am so excited today!  I get to hang out this morning and talk to you guys!!  I don't know about you all, but yesterday's meeting was so much fun!  I will definitely play more Kahoot games in the future!  

Remember there are no new assignments today.  If you have any work from the week that you haven't completed, you have today to catch up.  😊

Look at yesterday's schedule for your time to jump on the zoom meeting.  Once I see you in the waiting room, I will wrap up the meeting I am on and let you in. 

Book club: The author meeting starts at noon.  The info is on Mrs Daniel's blog, but I am posting it here too.  Come prepared with some good questions for her!  

Meeting ID: 914 8309 6235
Password: Author

Have a wonderful weekend!!  And I will see you soon!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Good morning!

Happy wet Thursday to you.  Since it is Thursday, some of you will be doing your Target assignments today.  Please look thorugh the assginments so that you know what you need to catch up on tomorrow and when your time slot is for tomorrow's meeting.   I have a schedule for tomorrow's meeting and everyone's 10 minute slot for your time to join the meeting.  I have honored your choices for time, if you sent it to me on yesterday's chat.  Everyone else was assigned a time.  Please let me know if your time won't work.  I will find an alternative.  :)  I am really looking forward to chatting with you guys one-on one! 

Today's Assignments: 

AM Work / Wordly Wise #17

Thursday is only the Math morning work.  I will, as usual, post the answers for this week's work on Monday.  
Thank you for doing your best on the Wordly Wise #16 quiz.  Most of you did a really nice job!  If you did not take it yesterday, you need to have that completed by the end of the week.  
Today's WW assignment is to review the new words on week 17, and make flash cards with your new words.  

Reading: (30 min)

Thursday is a choice board day.  You get to read for 30 minutes today.  Yesterday I provided you with a link to an on-line library where you can borrow e-books.  Check it out.

Writing: (20 min)

Spend the time responding to your reading today by doing a different activity on the choice board.  I have noticed many of you are forgetting to use text evidence and complete sentences.  You have 20 minutes here, use that time and show me your complete understanding of the book you are reading!

If you finish early,  (those of you who are only writing one sentence, should have plenty of time) go to IXL and finish working on text structure, D.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from earlier in the week.  If you have shown mastery on those activities, move on to shades of meaning, DD. 1 and 2.

Math: (30 min)

You should have finished all of the volume activities yesterday.  If you are not doing Target activities today, you have a few videos on coordinate plane graphing to watch in Khan Academy.  When you are done, use the remaining time to work in IXL on any skill that you have not achieved mastery on yet.  Work on any previous skill until you have at least a 90% or greater score. 

Science: (20 min)

I have a Kahoot that I want to do with you during the class meeting.  Before you come into the meeting, have either a scecond device for the kahoot or have a split screen with the kahoot ready to go.  You need to be at www. and I will have the PIN when we are ready to start.  Fingers crossed that it actually works!  :)

OK guys!  I think that's about it!  I will see you at 11:00!   


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy Earth Day!  

Good morning, my friends!  I hope this day finds you well and happy.  Today is Earth Day and I have a few fun Earth day things for you to do.  

Oh!!  And I have a link to a free online lending library for you! Check it out and use your cobb county school log in to access this site.

Today's Assignments:

AM Work /Wordly Wise #16: (20 min)

Please do the morning work for the edits and the math today.  The quiz for wordly wise #16 is in forms and ready to go.

Reading: (30 min)

I have a reading passage on alternative energy for you today.  I have it posted in the reading section of the class notebook.  Please read the article, andser the questions, and be sure to provide evidence for your written answer.  I would like for your answer to the written question to be thoughtful, complete and something that we can do.  Refer back to the article and provide a series of steps or ways that we can accomplish that goal.  

Writing: (20 min)

For writing today, we will be working on our memoir.  Today's session is "The Inspiration to Draft".  We will have a short mini lesson on inspiration for writing and then you will spend your 20 minutes working on your memoir.  I will post the slides from the powerpoint in the writing section of the class notebook after our mini lesson, for those of you who want to go back and reread it for "inspiration".  

Math: (30 min)

You will be finishing up volume today in both IXL and in Khan Academy.  Most of you are staying on top of your work in both of those two sites.  I really love how I can go down the list and see all the green checks and 100%'s.  If your grade is not a 100%, go back and re watch the videos and keep trying to get the 100.  The idea is mastery of the concept.  I know you guys and I know that you can do it!  
When you have the scores you want in Khan Academy, it is time to do the same in IXL.  You have the opportunity to do any/all of the skills in 5.EE.13 - 17 to make sure that you have a 90% or greater.

Science: (20 min)

Today is the brain check for yesterday's reading section.  I have it posted in the science section of the class notebook.  As always, feel free to refer back to the reading for help with answering the questions.  

Extra Earth Day Fun Stuff!

This is optional, but may be fun.  The STEM project starts off with you doing a bit of research on circuits and how to make them.  The next part of it is to substitute the battery (energy source) with something else.  Something natural, like a potato or a lemon.  Your job is to make a circuit work with that alternative energy source.  To take it even further, you can see which energy source works the best.  Quantify it by seeing either how long the bulb lights or how bright it is to prove your point.  
Present your findings by Friday by creating a video of what you've done on the Flip grid/Earth Day topic that I've put up.  Be creative!  Ask questions!  Would it work to charge my phone?  Would it work if I tried...
I can't wait to see the cool stuff you come up with!!

See you guys at 11:00!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Happy Tuesday!  

I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy!  It looks like there is some reason to be cautiously optimistic about the future.  Hopefully that means that we will be able to do things again soon!  Until then, we will see each other at 11:00 for our daily meeting.

Today's Assignments

AM Work/Wordly Wise: (20 min)

I posted the answers to last week's morning work yesterday afternoon.  If you have not gone back to check your work, please do so.  Then do Tuesday's morning work for both the grammar edits and the math.  
Wordly Wise #16 Section E and study.  Tomorrow will be the quiz.  

Reading: (30 min)

Today is a choice board day!  You get to read for the whole half hour of reading today!  It is a beautiful morning so go read outside.  I am keeping up with the videos you are posting on Flip grid...keep up the great work!!

Writing: (20 min)

Respond to the section that you read today by doing a new activity on your choice board and submitting it to me via the class notebook in the reading section.  If you have extra time, you may go to IXL and complete the activities on text structure that you may not have gotten to finish yesterday.  
If you need more to do, you can always work on your memoir.  

Math: (30 min)

There are a few more videos and problems to complete in Khan Academy today on Volume.  Please spend your time there today and when you complete that, you may go to IXL and work on 5. EE. 16.  

Science: (20 min)

I have the section for you to read posted in the class notebook.  You do not have to do anything other than read the section.  Tomorrow will be the Brain Check.  

P.S.  Have you seen the Flip grid that Mrs. Erbskorn started?  She read one of her favorite books and is encouraging you to write your own book in the style of the author.  Enjoy!!

P.P.S I will see you at 11:00!!  Have a great morning!! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

Good morning and Happy Monday!

I hope you all are doing well and had a great weekend!  The kids and I got a lot of yard work done yesterday, which is a good thing, because we were stuck in the house all day yesterday with the rain!

I have a good week planned for you this week with some fun activities built in.  😊

First I want to provide you with our morning meeting information:
Daily at 11:00 am
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 593 871 0759
Password: 6Yvqu4

Today's Assignments

AM Work and Wordly Wise: (20 min)

You will continue on with this week's morning work in the grammar edits and the math review. 
Wordly Wise #16, today's section is section D.  Remember the quiz will be on Wednesday. 
I will add to this post later today with the answers from last week's am work.  

Reading: (30 min)

You will be working on text structure in IXL today.  Language Arts: 5.D. 1,2,3,4 and 5

Writing: (20 min)

To go along with the reading assignment, our focus in writing today is Studying and Planning Structures.  We are going to discuss and then decide the structure we want to use for writing our own memoir.  You will be able to get to work after our mini lesson in our meeting today on structuring your memoir.  

Math: (30 min)

We will continue and finish volume this week and move on to coordinate planes by Thursday.  In the Khan Academy, your assignments are to work more with decomposing figures.  If you need to go back and review the videos from Thursday, please do so.  If you find yourself with a score below 70, go back and review Thursday's videos, then try again with today's assignments.  

In IXL, you will be doing 5.EE.15, the new section.  The Khan Academy should not take the whole time, so I am expecting you to get to the IXL today also.  

Science: (20 min)

I have an activitiy planned for you during the class meeting today.  After, there will be a WS in the science section of the class notebook for you to complete.  This will be out last week with Science, and  will be moving to Social Studies next week.  

OK...I think that is all for now.  I will see you at 11:00!!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Friday!!!

There are no new assignments today!!   If you missed anything from this week,  please use today to catch up.  If there are some things that you missed at any time during the digital learning, you may go back and complete it.  Even though the program may say that it is past the due date, it will record your score, and that is the only part that I see.  I do not mark off for something being late.  

I will still hold a meeting at 11 for anyone who wants to say hi, ask questions, or have me go over a concept that you didn't understand.  

Book club will still meet at 12.  640 045 746

Have a wonderful start to your weekend and I will see you on Monday!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Good morning!

I hope everyone is having a good day so far!  I know I am!  I had a good 4.5 mile run yesterday.  I think that has been one of the hardest things for me is trying to get in a daily run and stay safe at the same time.  When it is this nice out, I would rather run outside instead of on my treadmill.  I am starting to get into the new routine and it is getting easier.  :)

Today is Thursday.  That means that those of you who are in Target, should do your Target activities.  Go to your Target teacher's site to find your assignment.
Tomorrow, I will not post any new assignments.  You will use tomorrow to catch up on any work you might have missed this week or at any time since digital learning began.

So, let's get to it...

Today's Assignments:

AM Work and Wordly Wise: (20 min)

Please do the Math morning work for Thursday and Wordly Wise #16 section C.

Reading: (30 min)

Today is the choice Board.  Pleae read for the 30 minutes.  It is set to be a gorgeous day today, so feel free to take your reading outside!  Don't forget to update the flip grid with a new book, if you need to!

Writing: (20 min)

You will choose one of the responses on the choice board to do for the section of the book you just read.  Please don't forget to put the name of your book and author on your response.  While you know what you have read, I don't!  It helps me understand your work when I know what book you are responding to.  
If you have extra time, you can go to IXL and work on 5.R.1 and 2.  This is on opinions and supporting arguments.

Math: (30 min)

For volume today, we will work on decomposing figures.  There are a few videos and practice problems assigned to you in Khan Academy.  I will also post an anchor chart for you in the class notebook.  I will go over it in the class meeting and we can practice a little more together.  In addition, when you finish the Khan Academy assignment, with your remaining time, you can go to IXL and continue working on 5.EE.13, 14 and 15 from this week.  Work for at least a 90% score on thiose skills.  

Science: (20 min)

I have a sheet for you to do on our next topic.  It will be in the Science section of the Class notebook.  This type of worksheet is called a probe.  It is designed to let me know what you already know about a topic and here I should start with it.  Please just do you best and don't worry about correct answers.  I will finish the lesson in our meting today.  
OK!!!  That's it for now...I will see you guys at 11:00!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

I hope that this morning finds all of you well and happy today!  We have a good day ahead of us today! 

Today's Assignments:

AM Work and Wordly wise: (20 min)

I think I may have forgotten to post this yesterday!  Please stay current on your am work and wordly wise assignments.  Today you should be doing the Wednesday work and have up to and including  section B completed.  Don't forget, the quiz on this week's wordly wise #16 will be given next Wednesday, April 22.

Reading: (30 min)

I have a reading passage for you to read and answer the questions on.  You will find the reading passage and questions in our class notebook, under today's date, reading.  The last few questions are written answer.  Please remember that you must answer in complete sentences.  Even though only #10 asks for it, include evidence to support your answers for all of the questions.  

If you still have some time, you can go to IXL and do LA.5.H.1,2,and 3.  This is on making inferences.  

Writing: (20 min)

We will be working on our memoirs and discussing how to write with depth.  We have explored this word in math when talking about volume, but what does it mean to write with depth?  We will discuss this in our mini lesson today and then practice it with our own writing today.  You will find what I plan on doing to day in the writing section of our class notebook.  

Math: (30 min)

We are going to take the volume skills we are practicing and go a step further.  Today's skill involves decomposing a figure to its component parts, finding the volume of each part, then combining the volume of each to find the total volume.  I will work with you on this in our meeting today, but the Khan Academy videos I assigned do a very good job of explaining it.  Please do that and then with the remaining time, go to IXL and do Math.5.EE.15.

Science: (20 min)

Yesterday I only had you read the section "What is Electricity?"  Today I will have the Brain Check posted for you to do.  Please go back to the text from yesterday to look for and find the ansswers to complete today's assignment.  I will post the Brain Check in the class notebook.

I will see you guys at 11:00.  Quote of the week is Abby Gaddis...If you e mail it to me I will post it on the Blog!  :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Special Post



Recreate Materpieces
Welcome back! I know coming back after a break is difficult, so let's have
fun this week! Remember when we learned about masterpieces? Well, a
museum has asked people at home to recreate famous masterpieces using
things you can find in your home. Some of these masterpieces, I'm sure you
will recognize! Have fun with your recreations! Also, if you remember the
engineering process, then you can remember the creative process- before
creating something you need to brainstorm some ideas, and then come up
with your plan. Part of your plan is to figure out what materials you'll use to
recreate the artwork. I'm so excited to see your masterpieces!! Here is the
link to several examples:


Create Your Own Obstacle Course
Hi Everyone, I hope you enjoyed your at home Spring Break or "Staycation"!!
Did you still get 60 minutes of physical activity each day? This week I am
challenging you to create your own obstacle course. Please click the
following link to my blog for more information:


Plastic Bag Challenge
Plastic bags are one of the biggest culprits of environmental pollution.
These bags can end up in the rivers and oceans where animals mistake
them for fish or jellies. Eating plastic can cause all sorts of health issues for
these animals. This week's challenge will be to turn plastic grocery bags
into a reusable bag that you can take to the store with you instead of using
more plastic. This project will help reduce the amount of plastic you use
and reuse this plastic by recycling it into something new! More details on
how to create and weave plastic yarn, or plarn, can be found on Mr. Hanft’s


Using Presentation Tools
Choose a presentation tool and create a presentation sharing what you did
on your Spring Break or about a topic you are learning from home. There are
many presentation tools to choose from. Adobe Spark and BrainPop's Make a
Movie are located in Cobb Digital Library. Or you can use Sway through
Microsoft Office.

Activities for the week of April 13-17


Stories to Help Cope
Coping with the unexpected is part of life. Learning to deal with
disappointments in a positive way is very beneficial. This is a good time to
practice learning how to do so. All of us are in this together. We can lean on
each other and help others where we can. There are many breathing
exercises to help you relax and creative ways to express yourself. Reach out
and let others know how you feel. There are some good stories that can help
you with this challenge. Here are a couple for you:
The Rhino Who Swallowed the Storm:
The Yucky Bug:
Parent Tips:


Show us what you have done on FlipGrid!
We'd love to see what you create or are working on for your distance learning
specials. Share it with us on FlipGrid. Use your O365 account to login and post
a video.


Musical Cups
Students grab a couple of cups and sit down with your family to play
these fun cup games.
FlipGrid QR Code

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

Good morning!  The birds are singing outside this morning and the sun is bursting through the trees behind me.  The flowers I planted over break are full of color, but begging me to go out and water them.  I will have to do that after I talk to you guys, though!  I will also be posting an additional blog today with activities from the specialists and counselors.  Those activities can be done when ever you are able to through out the week, just for a fun creative outlet!

The meeting log-in for this whole week is the same as yesterday, so use that and I will see you at 11:00.

Today's Assignments

Reading: (30 min)

Today you will be reading for 30 minutes on a book of your choice, but please be sure that it is on your reading level.  If you find youself continuing to read the same type of book  (ie: graphic novels, babysitter club) try something new!  Branch out to something completely different and see how that is.  If you need a good suggestion, look through the flip grid and see what your friends are reading!

Writing: (20 min)

You will use the choice board (I included another copy below) to respond to the book you read.  This is a new sheet, so you may now re do things on the choice board that you did before Spring Break.  
If you finish the choice board assignment early, you may go into IXL and work on commas.  5.QQ.4 focuses on commas in an introductory phrase, and 5.SS.4 works on punctuation with dialogue (quotes).

Math: (30 min)

As we continue working on Volume, I will be focusing on that in our meeting today.  We will  create an anchor chart and do a few things together on Volume.  There will be a WS in the notebook section that we will work on together.  Before the meeting, make sure that the math sheet is on your screen so that you can switch back and forth between the two.  
There are assignments loaded in Khan Academy for you.  A few videos and practice questions on the volume of rectangular prisms.  
For extra practice, there is one IXL assignment that goes along with it.  5.EE.14.  If the questions ask for the cubic roots, as I have heard from other teachers, please, skip those or just do your best on that.  Cubic roots are not one of our standards, so you do not have to worry if you run into a question like that and don't get it.  

Science: (20 min) 

Continuing our start with electricity and magnetism, your job is to read the lesson on what makes the static electricity.  Yesterday, you had the opportunity to play around with static electricity, or at least watch funny videos of balloons being stuck to cats, and today you are going to read why it works!  The pages are clipped for you and in the science section of the class notebook for today.  

Ok, guys!!  Go for it and I will see you all at 11:00. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Good morning and Happy Monday!

I hope that you all had a good Spring Break!  The week off was a nice break, but it is nice to be back into a regular schedule.  There was an e-mail from Cobb County to the schools regarding the weekly at home learning schedule.  I will be teaching remotely Monday through Thursday, and Friday is a catch-up day.  You will use Friday to catch up and complete any assignments that you did not get to during the week, and I will use Friday to review everyone's progress, plan new lessons for the upcoming week, and contact students who need more support with options and small group sessions.   Our class meetings will be Monday - Thursday.  Friday will be small group sessions and book club.

This week's class meeting code is: 

Meeting Password0WY3gL

Today's Assignments:

Am Work and Wordly Wise: (20 min)

Begin this new week of morning work grammar edits and the daily math review.  We are also starting Wordly Wise #16.  The Quiz on this new list will be Wednesday, April 22.  Today you are only making flash cards for the words and definitions.  

Reading: (30 min)

We are going to begin a unit on Poetry.  Before Spring Break, I had you go to IXL and do 5.L.1 and 2.  I would like for you to do that again, obtaining at least a 90% mastery score.  Then do 5.F.1 and 2 on figurative language.  
As a heads up, how many of you have the book "Love that Dog" or are able to get a hold of it?  Just curious.  

Writing: (20 min)

In today's mini lesson we will be discussing how to choose and develop a seed idea into a theme or big idea.  In this week's lessons, you will use all that you have learned this year and in years past to plan you memoir.  I will have the slides from the power point posted in the class notebook for you to look over, but it will probably be easier to identify the small moment stories and themes for your memoir after we meet as a group.  

Math: (30 min) 

This week we will begin learning about volume.  Volume is 3 dimensional, meaning it has 1) length 2) width and 3) depth, or how deep it is.   Area, if you remember is only 2 dimensional.  It only has length and width.  When you are looking to find the Area, you multiply the L x W.  For volume, since it is 3 dimensional, you will multiply the L x W x D (depth).  There is a Khan Academy video to help you with this. Your assignments are to watch the videos and do the assigned exercises for volume with unit cubes.  
On IXL, you will practice the same skill 5.EE.13.

Science: (20 min)

We are about to get started on our next topic, electricity.  I have a demonstration planned for you today during our meeting and hopefully you will be able to explore a little on your own at home.  There is a section for you to read in the Science section of the class notebook.  

I will see you guys at 11:00.  Please have your cameras on the whole time.  Thank you.  
Meeting Passwor0WY3gL

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Good Morning and Happy almost Spring Break!
Book club meeting ID 640-045-746

Today's Assignments

AM Work and Wordly Wise: (20 min)

There really is no morning work today.  I will post the answers to this week today, so that you don't have to wait over a week to check your work. 

Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing this and I will find another way to share it with you.  

Reading:  (30 min)
IXL skills today and a reading comprehension piece.  
For IXL, you are going to work on inferencing skills.  5.H.1 and 2.  Work for at least a 90% smart score.  
When you are finished, there is a reading comprehension packet for you to complete.  Read the piece and answer the questions.  I have placed it in the reading section of the class notebook.  

Writing: (20 min)

We will continue with the idea of using another writer's words as inspiration for our own writing.  I want to go over the anchor chart with you (it is in writing in our class notebook) and then read to you the short story, "Eleven" and then you will have the opportunity to "write off "from that piece.

Math: (30 min)

There is a WS for you to complete in the math section of the notebook.  Please use the anchor chart to work on that.  When you are done, please go into Khan Academy and do the assignments there.  If you need to go back and watch the videos again, please do so!  Keep working on it until you are satisfied with your score.
If you want extra practice, you can always go to IXL and do 5.Z.21 and 22, or any of the other skills that you did not get a smart score of 90% or greater yet.    

Science: (20 min)

I have already gotten a few menus, thank you!  Today is the last day to work on the menu and turn it in to me.  

I will see you guys at 11:00!!
Book Club is at 12:00.  

Have a wonderful break!  Be sure to call each other, hang out with your friends by using face time or any other video calling app.  You might need to physically stay apart, but you can still be close in other ways!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Good morning and Happy Thursday!

I was watching the Governor speak yesterday afternoon and kept waiting for him to say "April Fool's Day!" But he didn't.  I know that the steps he is putting into place is for everyone's health and well being, however, it still is unbelievably sad for me to think about not getting to see your shining faces in my classroom again this year!  I am heartbroken over this!  As soon as we are able, we will arrange a day when we can all get together and do something fun.   

You guys are remarkable, strong, and resilient.  You will do an amazing job with digital learning the rest of the year  and we will have an opportunity to celebrate together once this is all behind us!  As always, I am here for you!  You can always reach me through the blog, email, or the remind app.  I will get back to you as soon as I can and we can work together to solve any problem.  

As of right now, there are only two days left before Spring Break, and today is a Target Day.  If you are in Target, you can stop reading this and go to your Target teacher's site to get you assignments for today.  

If you are not in target...

Today's Assignments:

AM Work & Wordly Wise: (20 min)

Stay up to date on your morning work and today you are just studying the Wordly Wise #15 words in preparation for tomorrow's "quiz".

Reading: (30 min)

Today is a reading Choice Board Day.  Read your book for the 30 minutes then...

Writing: (20 min)

...Respond with one of the assignments on the choice board.  When you are finished with the choice board, you may go on to IXL and work on two skills.  Language Arts. 5. S.1 and 5.Q.1.

Math: (30 min)

Go into Khan Academy and watch the assigned videos for today.  Some should be a review of customary and metric conversions.  Continue practicing the practice problems.  The more you go back in and practice, the better you will understand the concept.  
After Khan Academy, go into IXL and continue practicing 5.Z.19.
I plan on spending time in our morning meeting working through the math and helping you get the hang of it.  

Science: (20 min)

No new assignment for today!  Your Chemical Cafe Menu is due tomorrow, so you have today to continue working on it.  

I will see you guys at 11:00!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Good morning!   It is looking to be a beautiful day today!  Most of the pollen got washed away in the rain yesterday, and today should be sunny skies! 

Alie, I know I am late on this, but would you please find a quote of the week for us?  I'll post it on the blog for everyone to see. 

Today's Assignments:

Wordly Wise and Morning Work: (20 min)

WW#15 Section E.  We will have the quiz on Friday.  I will put the quiz into forms again.  

Reading: (30 min)

This morning we are back to IXL.  In the Language Arts Section, go to 5. L. 1 and 2.  Then do C. 1 and 2.  
If you still have time, look in the reading section of the class notebook.  I will post a reading comprehension activity for you.  (This one is extra!)

Writing: (20 min)

I have a section of Memoirs to teach you today.  I will do a mini lesson in today's meeting, then let you write another small moment story.  I will also post the assignment up in the writing section of the notebook after we discuss it.  

Math: (30 min)

Continuing with our work on converting metric measurements, there are a few guiding videos in Khan Academy that you should watch before doing some of the practice problems assigned to you.  For more practice, go to IXL.  5.Z. 17, 17, and 18 will continue to work on those skills.  

Science: (20 min)

Welcome to the Chemical Change Cafe!!  This is the day that if we were at school, I would be making pancakes for you!  Since we cannot do that, I will do the next to next to best thing and do it on camera for you during our morning meeting.  We will watch the evidence of  a chemical change taking place and discuss it.  After that, your assignment is to create a menu for the Chemical Change Cafe.  You must have at least one drink, two appetizers, and three main dishes.  Side dishes are a bonus.  All of the items on the menu must be a chemical change!  Decorate your menu appropriately.  Additional bonus if you and a parent make the dishes and  take pictures of them for the menu.  
Since this is more of a project, I will have the menu due by the end of the day on Friday.  :)