Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

It's Thursday!  Don't forget to sign the agendas and gold sheets tonight!

Keep on Reading!!  Tonight's HW is to read Chapter 12 of Esperanza Rising.  Record the time you read and turn it in tomorrow!

We will continue the Math test tomorrow so keep studying from the study guide.  Take a problem from the sheet and change the numbers so that you keep practicing the skill.  

Enjoy the afternoon!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

5th Grade is in the lead with Read Across America!!  Keep reading and keep turning in those slips!!  You are doing a fantastic job!!

There is not much homework tonight so get in some extra time reading!  

Reading: Read 25 minutes (or more!) and have 1 response due for Friday
Math:  Keep studying for the test.  We started it today, and will finish on Friday, so continue to study each night.  

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

Tune out TV/Read Across America Week continues!  Take a break from the devices and open up a good book instead!  Plus, the sun is supposed to be shining all week, so go outside and play!  After your homework is done, of course!  Speaking of homework, below you will find what is expected of you this evening.  

Reading:  Read 25 minutes (or more!) and fill out a read-across-America slip.  Have 1 response due for Friday.
Wordly Wise#12:  E and Study your words.  Tomorrow is the Quiz and spelling pre-test.
Math:  Finish the Study guide and study for tomorrow's unit test.  We will finish the test on Friday, so you will have the opportunity to keep studying. 

Have a great afternoon!! 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

Welcome Back!  

I hope everyone had a great break!  It was so nice to see everyone and get back into the schedule!

Remember this week is Turn Off the Devices and Read Week.  Since my homework is to read for 25 minutes each night, it should be super easy to read a bit longer and turn in the reading slips every day!  

Homework for tonight:

Reading:  Read as mentioned above and submit the reading slip.  Have 1 response done for Friday.
Wordly Wise #12 C & D.  The Quiz is on Wednesday.  Look below to see what the content area words are.  
Math: Complete #16 on the Study Guide.  

Have a wonderful afternoon!!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Thursday!

Lots going on tomorrow.  We will not be switching except for an hour first thing in the morning to get some Reading/ELA time.  After that we will have the visit by the WellStar nurse.  We will have time in homeroom for some independent study.  Towards the end of the day, we will have a valentine's exchange.  

Homework for this evening:
Read 25 minutes and have a response ready to turn in tomorrow.
WW#12 A&B
Math:  IXL 5.c.22

Don't Forget to sign agendas and gold sheets tonight!

Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Special Edition:  Valentine's Day Class list

Adewuyi, Adedimbola  (Abby)
Amos, Maddox
Barberan, Melanie 
Daughdrill, Liam 
Doss, Kaden
Evans, Jonas 
Gaddis, Abigail   (Abby)
Gale, Alison   (Alie)
Geismar, Noah 
Giusto, Lucas
Haublein, Samuel 
Hawkins, Logan 
Ito, Tadamasa   (Tad)
Jackson, Audrey 
King, Jett 
Kline, Cara
Kolluri, Pranav
Magdusian, Christina 
Martinez, Liliana 
Morrow, Katherine
Myers, Logan
Shartle, Hayden 
Thomas, Kennedy  (Kenlee)
Urrea, Isabella
Waliany, Amaya
Whipple, Charlotte
Zimmerman, Charlotte  (Charlie)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy  Wednesday!

What a wonderful day at the Symphony!  The class looked fantastic all dressed for the performance and their behavior was really good!  I am so proud of all of them!!

Tomorrow is a regular schedule. 

Friday we will only be switching for an hour of ELA.  Other than that, we will have the WellStar nurse visit for a lesson and exchange valentines treats at the end of the day.  

Reading:  Read for 25 minutes.  Write a one response for the week.  Be ready to turn it in on Friday.  

Wordly Wise #12:  Make flash cards.  The content area words for the next lesson will be Infamy, Isolationism, Axis, Tuskegee, and Roosevelt.
Math:  IXL 5.C.21

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

The performance of "And Then They Came For Me" was wonderful.  It was a very moving and thought provoking morning.  
The week's events continue!
Wednesday is the Symphony.  Please dress nicely for the day.  We will bring our lunches with us, so don't forget to bring something that will travel well. 
Thursday is a regular day
Friday we have the Wellstar nurse coming to teach us.  Our schedule will be a little off, but I have set aside time in the afternoon to pass out Valentine's Day treats.  💘

Homework for this evening:
Reading:  Read 25 minutes each night and have one response ready to turn in on Friday
Math IXL 5.C.20, 
Spelling #11 All three choice board activities are due tomorrow (if you need to take the post test) and the Post test will also be tomorrow.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Thank you to those of you who brought in the field trip forms today!  If you asked me for another form, it came home today.  Please keep them coming in! 

Tomorrow night is the Variety Show.  The students are so excited about it!  It should be a wonderful evening!!

Homework for tonight: 

Reading:  Read for 25 minutes and have 1 response ready to turn in on Friday.  
Math:  IXL: 5.W.11

That's it!  

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

We have a few special events that are coming up next week so I wanted to be sure that all of the field trip forms are in and everyone is set to go.  If you have not returned the yellow Warm Springs Field Trip form or the White In-House Performance Field Trip Form, please do so as soon as possible!  While the  warm springs field trip (yellow form) is not until March, the deposit on the trip is due on the 12th, so we need to have all of the forms and money in.  Thank you in advance for your help with this.  If you are not sure where you put the form, let me know and I can send another one home tomorrow night.

Next Week:  

Tuesday - And Then They Came For Me.  This performance is in school and an in house field trip form (white form) is required to attend.  These were in last Thursday's folders.  If you need another form, please ask and I will send that home tomorrow night.  

Wednesday - Symphony.  We will be going downtown for the symphony.  Please dress appropriately for the occasion.  The forms for this trip were sent home in the beginning of the year.  This trip is rescheduled as there was an issue with the scheduling of the original date.  

Friday - Wellstar Lesson.  We will be having a nurse from Wellstar come to teach a lesson on nutrition.  There is no permission form necessary for this free program.  

OK.  I think those are the big ticket items.  
Now for the daily homework...

Reading:  Read Chapter 10 in Esperanza Rising
WW #11 E & Study for the Quiz  Content area words are: crocheting, zigzag, listless, alliances, and nationalism  (Thank you for the reminder!  😊)
Math: IXL 5.W.10

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Monday!

I almost wrote January up there!  But no!  It's February!  Did you know yesterday was a rare palindromic day?  02/02/2020, when written backwards looks exactly the same.  The last time that happened was over 900 years ago! The date was 11/11/1111.  Wow!

Anyway, back to today...

Homework for the evening is:
Wordly Wise #11 C & D

Read for 25 minutes and have 1 response ready to turn in on Friday.
 Watch the Math video Line plots 

Have a great afternoon and enjoy the beautiful weather!!