Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

I hope that this morning finds all of you well and happy today!  We have a good day ahead of us today! 

Today's Assignments:

AM Work and Wordly wise: (20 min)

I think I may have forgotten to post this yesterday!  Please stay current on your am work and wordly wise assignments.  Today you should be doing the Wednesday work and have up to and including  section B completed.  Don't forget, the quiz on this week's wordly wise #16 will be given next Wednesday, April 22.

Reading: (30 min)

I have a reading passage for you to read and answer the questions on.  You will find the reading passage and questions in our class notebook, under today's date, reading.  The last few questions are written answer.  Please remember that you must answer in complete sentences.  Even though only #10 asks for it, include evidence to support your answers for all of the questions.  

If you still have some time, you can go to IXL and do LA.5.H.1,2,and 3.  This is on making inferences.  

Writing: (20 min)

We will be working on our memoirs and discussing how to write with depth.  We have explored this word in math when talking about volume, but what does it mean to write with depth?  We will discuss this in our mini lesson today and then practice it with our own writing today.  You will find what I plan on doing to day in the writing section of our class notebook.  

Math: (30 min)

We are going to take the volume skills we are practicing and go a step further.  Today's skill involves decomposing a figure to its component parts, finding the volume of each part, then combining the volume of each to find the total volume.  I will work with you on this in our meeting today, but the Khan Academy videos I assigned do a very good job of explaining it.  Please do that and then with the remaining time, go to IXL and do Math.5.EE.15.

Science: (20 min)

Yesterday I only had you read the section "What is Electricity?"  Today I will have the Brain Check posted for you to do.  Please go back to the text from yesterday to look for and find the ansswers to complete today's assignment.  I will post the Brain Check in the class notebook.

I will see you guys at 11:00.  Quote of the week is Abby Gaddis...If you e mail it to me I will post it on the Blog!  :)


  1. Mrs.Rodabaugh the zoom said your not letting me in and idk what to do

    1. Lizzy,
      I am so sorry! I was wondering where you were today. You are always in the meetings. If it happens again, can you call a friend in the class to have them tell me that you are in the waiting room? Sometimes I don't see the messages when they pop up.

  2. Mrs.Rodabaugh can you explain the write with dept.

    1. I understand you missed the mini lesson today. In the writing section of the class notebook, there is a bit more direction. Some of what I talked about today was thinking carefully about your writing. Going into depth is a way of diving deeper into what you are really trying to say with your writing. Think about your piece. Is there a hidden meaning? Are there other examples in your life that also go along with this theme/big idea? Can you make comparisons between the two?
      Writing with depth is a way of generating thoughtful, interprative writing, that draws from your own experiences.

  3. This is jett, i am a little confused about the ELA ixl today. It says on the blog LA.5H 1 2 and 3. Please tell me what this means.

  4. The LA is just to let you know that it is in the Language Arts section of IXL. Grade 5, section H, skill 1, 2, and 3.
    I hope that helps!!

  5. hi its Charlotte! is the brain check due today?

  6. Every week you have until Friday to complete the work. If you are not able to complete it today, you may finish it on Friday. I will not be assigning any new work on Fridays so that you will have the opportunity to complete work that you were not able to get to earlier in the week.

  7. Mrs. Rodabaugh for the reading passage do we have to use text evidence for 8 and 9
