Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29 2019

Happy Monday!!

Last week of Milestones testing for 5th grade this week!  We have Science and Social Studies on Thursday and Friday of this week.   I gave the class a packet to read and study from.  They may be reading and highlighting it in class tomorrow, but will be taking it home tomorrow to continue studying from.  

The ABC Project is due tomorrow.  I can't wait to see all of the amazing work!

Other Homework:
Reading: 25 minutes
WW: #16 E
Math: Keep studying!  We will be completing the test tomorrow.

End of Year/Graduation dates:
May 10th - 5th Grade Field Day
May 15th - Awards Day
May 17th - Kickball
May 20th - Graduation 
May 20 - 21st - Early Release Days
May 21st - Flower Walk/Last Day

1 comment:

  1. How do you login to office 365 from davis website i forgot -Alejandro
