Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Happy Friday!  

Congratulations!  We have successfully completed our first week of digital learning!!  So many of you have been diligent and kept up with your studies!  I have been checking in your notebooks and have commented on your work.  Please be sure to check previous work you've posted.  while it may not be a "grade"  there may be valuable feedback that tells you what you've done well and what you may still need help with.  Communicating through the notebooks is one way of "talking" one on one.  
Keep up the efforts and the great work!  😊  
Our Morning Meeting and Greeting is at 11:00.  The code is the same as yesterday.  976-112-978
Book Club meeting is at noon.  The code for that meeting is 640-045-746.  Since I scheduled it as a recurring meeting, that code will be valid each time we use it.  

Today's Assignments:

Reading: (30 min)

Today is our last day with Esperanza.  If we were in the classroom, we would be doing something to commemorate that.  I actually have a few ideas... I will get back to you on that one.  
In the meanwhile, I have a final quiz that I want you to take on Esperanza Rising.  It covers the entire book.  You, of course, may use your book to answer the questions.  For the last few questions, which are to be answered in complete sentences, yes, you must inclue text evidence to support your answer.  😊

Writing: (20 min)

Yesterday you had the opportunity to interact with two different memoirs.  Your assignment was to make notes about what you noticed about both of them.  You should have written your notes in your writing folder.  Be prepared today during the zoom meeting to discuss what you noticed about the memoirs.  The majority of our writing time will be devoted to that discussion and creating an anchor chart for memoirs. 

Math: (30 min)

There are new assignments in Kahn Academy for you.  In addition, log in to IXL and do 5.BB.5,6, and 7.

Science: (20 min)

Today's assignment is to complete the reading for the lesson.  I have the pages copied for you in the class notebook, today's date, science.  Please finish the reading and do the Sum It Up.  You may post the answers to the Sum It Up in the science section of the notebook.  Monday you will do the brain check and submit you answers.     

See you guys at 11:00!!


  1. Mrs Rodabaugh what are we doing for writing

    1. We discussed what we noticed about memoirs in the meeting.

  2. Hi Ms Rodabaugh, this is Jett again. On one of the questions on the esperanza rising test said to do a 2-3 summerization about the book, but i put more then three sentences. Is that fine?

  3. Mrs Rodabaugh what do you mean about the other two metaphors

    1. The metaphor sheet I posted has 4 different ones we discussed through out the book. The first day I asked you to do two of them. The second day you were to complete that sheet and do the remaining questions.

    2. OHHH so you mean i didnt finish the sheet

    3. I thought you said only do the river and the rose

    4. Mrs Rodabaugh are you saying i didnt complete it
