Good morning! It is looking to be a beautiful day today! Most of the pollen got washed away in the rain yesterday, and today should be sunny skies!
Alie, I know I am late on this, but would you please find a quote of the week for us? I'll post it on the blog for everyone to see.
Today's Assignments:
Wordly Wise and Morning Work: (20 min)
WW#15 Section E. We will have the quiz on Friday. I will put the quiz into forms again.
Reading: (30 min)
This morning we are back to IXL. In the Language Arts Section, go to 5. L. 1 and 2. Then do C. 1 and 2.
If you still have time, look in the reading section of the class notebook. I will post a reading comprehension activity for you. (This one is extra!)
Writing: (20 min)
I have a section of Memoirs to teach you today. I will do a mini lesson in today's meeting, then let you write another small moment story. I will also post the assignment up in the writing section of the notebook after we discuss it.
Math: (30 min)
Continuing with our work on converting metric measurements, there are a few guiding videos in Khan Academy that you should watch before doing some of the practice problems assigned to you. For more practice, go to IXL. 5.Z. 17, 17, and 18 will continue to work on those skills.
Science: (20 min)
Welcome to the Chemical Change Cafe!! This is the day that if we were at school, I would be making pancakes for you! Since we cannot do that, I will do the next to next to best thing and do it on camera for you during our morning meeting. We will watch the evidence of a chemical change taking place and discuss it. After that, your assignment is to create a menu for the Chemical Change Cafe. You must have at least one drink, two appetizers, and three main dishes. Side dishes are a bonus. All of the items on the menu must be a chemical change! Decorate your menu appropriately. Additional bonus if you and a parent make the dishes and take pictures of them for the menu.Since this is more of a project, I will have the menu due by the end of the day on Friday. :)
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