Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Good morning and Happy Monday!

I hope  this message finds you all doing well and staying healthy!!  I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you guys!  Friday's chats with each of you were great!  I really enjoyed getting an opportunity to talk to each of you!  This Friday I have a few meetings, so I am not sure if I am able to do it again until Friday, May 8th.

Anyway, on to today's assignments!

Edit:  Morning Meeting:
Topic: Morning Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 593 871 0759
Password: 6Yvqu4

AM Work Answers from last week:

Anyway, on to today's assignments!

AM Work / Wordly Wise #17: (20 min)

I will edit this post later on this morning to include the answers from last week's morning work.  For now, move on the the next week's work with both the grammar edits and the math review.  (See above)
Wordly Wise #17 A is the section you are doing today.  The Quiz will be May 6th.  

Reading: (30 min)

Today is IXL.  You will be doing section G.1 and 2 (point of view) and section H.3 (drawing inferences from a text).  

Writing: (20 min)

Today we will work on revising the narrative portion of your mamoir.  In our class meeting today, we will look at how to go back to our writing and include both the internal and external feelings.  I will have an example for you, and then we will practice on a piece together.  After that, you will have the opportunity to wotk on that with your own writing.  Remember May 8 is our hard and fast deadline for the memoirs to be completed.  

Math: (30 min)

We will continue working with coordinate grids for this week.  In Khan Academy, you have your assignments on coordinate grids to first.  Once completed, please go to IXL and do section U. 1, 2, and the new section under 2.  This is also on coordinate planes.  

Social Studies: (20 min)

Today is Social Studies.  I have the weekly newpspaer in the class notebook for you to read today.  tomorrow, I will have an assignment for you to do with the paper, but for today, you just have to read the paper.  You can access the social studies weekly newspapers online the same way the you get to the science textbooks, if you want to do that.  I know there are options there for read alouds and other links to more information.  I know that some of you may be having trouble accessing the online text, so it will be in the class notebook.  

OK!!!  See you at 11:00!!!
I will also 


  1. Hi, so i cant find the newspaper, can you direct me in the right direction?

  2. hi! This is Charlotte. I'm trying to get onto the newspaper and it won't let me in. it says my username and/or password is incorrect and I've tried everything.
